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Praktica MTL 5 Pentacon Italia
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Praktica MTL 5 Pentacon Italia
Producer data
bulletKombinat VEB Pentacon Dresden 
bulletsince January 1985 VEB Pentacon Dresden
Betrieb des Kombinates Carl Zeiss Jena
responsible constructor Rolf Noack
production period March 1983 to November 1985 no of produced cameras as a part of MTL 5- series of 574,252
Technical properties of the camera
shutter type mechanically controlled vertical-moving metal-blade focal plane shutter exposure time
(possible settings)
B, 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250,1/500, 1/1000
view finder fixed eye-level view finder (Pentaprism) with Fresnel lens with microprism and plain split-image range finder as focusing screen, built-in shutter speed meter with (+/-)-symbol mirror instant-return mirror
film transport / frame counter quick-release lever (black), Pentacon Loading-System, fold-out rewind crank (black), auto-zeroing frame counter lens mount M42x1
self timer mechanically, approx. 10 sec battery VARTA V 625
metering system TTL-metering using stopped-down metering controlled by a switch beside the lens mount above the shutter release knob flash system X-synchronisation (1/125), accessory shoe at the top of the pentaprism, coaxial flash socket at the camera body for dual flash systems
flash indication none aperture reflection into view finder none
general comments smooth, unruffled leatherette with stampings
special series for Italy
collection data
Hummel-No 209A Kadlubek-No. KWE 1753
body no. 581011 lens no. 2840755
lens type Pentacon auto 1.8/50 MC purchase price 160$



under construction






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Stand: 10. April 2010